Author: Admin

Global Businessman Harinder Jalli

Harinder Jalli is a businessman who is experience with the global chemicals and energy industries. He has worked on projects and ventures all over the globe, which has informed his business style and given him a wealth of experience. Harinder Jalli is always happy when he gets the opportunity to go to international petrochemical conferences and professional gatherings. These are excellent opportunities to network with his colleagues in the industry, talk about new opportunities, and exchange important information, in addition to good, clean, socialization.
Luckily, Harinder Jalli has been asked to speak or moderate panels at a number of these conferences. He is a well respected individual in the industry who has the ability to clearly and succinctly communicate his ideas and thoughts to audiences. He is brought back again as a public speaker because these conferences have seen that he is an engaging speaker who holds the attention and respect of his audiences.
Harinder Jalli is roundly considered to be a leading expert in the global petrochemicals operations industry. Additionally, he is recognized as one of the most trusted authorities on Methanol. He is extremely experienced in the field of Methanol, having been involved with both the start-up and global marketing for Ocelot Industries’ Methanol plant in Kitimat, Canada. Later this plant became Methanex, which is today a billion-dollar, publicly-traded company.

Harinder Jalli Is Extremely Experienced In The Fields Of Global Chemicals And Energy

Harinder Jalli founded AMERITX and is today the President of the firm. He has been able to cultivate an advanced understanding of international business, chiefly through experience in a wide range of fields. He is extremely experienced in the fields of global chemicals and energy because of past ventures that he has worked on. Over the last thirty years, Harinder Jalli’s career has allowed him to serve in a number of senior leadership and management roles for companies in various fields. This is why today he exhibits the qualities of leadership, because he has a good deal of experience with guiding profitable and successful ventures. Harinder Jalli has worked in a range of fields, including production, mergers and acquisition, finance, strategic planning, marketing, trading, sales, engineering, and research.

While many people are intimidated by trying to strike a big deal, meeting with large companies, or discussing business with well-known names in their industry, Harinder Jalli does not shy away from these opportunities. He seizes them and ensures that he is able to seal the deal. Harinder Jalli has been able to conceive of, and execute, a number of multimillion-dollar long-term joint ventures and agency agreements over the years. The deals that he has been able to develop and structure demonstrate his acumen for creating successful, long-lasting, and profitable relationships with other parties. He is adept at negotiations and interactions with high level executives, global corporations, and senior government officials in a number of countries.